What to Expect

When you choose Rice Estate’s Arbor Center for your rehabilitation needs, you’re taking the first step toward getting back to an optimum lifestyle. As a client, you or your loved one may be asked to push towards the goals set on your road to recovery. However, our compassionate team will be there for you through every pace of your rehabilitation.

Allow us to walk beside you and take away the daily stresses and worries you may otherwise face. Instead, come ready to focus on improving your health and well-being every day

What To Bring

  • Daily casual wear, as well as a few outfits for church and other festive activities, are suggested with socks, pajamas, and undergarments (We will label your clothing after you arrive.)
  • Comfortable shoes and house shoes
  • Personal toiletries including toothbrush, toothpaste, liquid soap, and lotion
  • Mementos, photos, and flowers are encouraged to provide a relaxed and familiar environment
  • A favorite blanket or quilt
  • Personal communication devices: cell phone, laptop, tablet and chargers

Discharge Planning

On the day of admission to Rice Estate’s Arbor Center, the interdisciplinary team begins the discharge planning process with the patient and their designated support or family members. Effective discharge planning can decrease the chances that you or your family member is readmitted to the hospital, and can also help in recovery.

The discussion includes the patient’s physical condition both before and after their rehabilitation stay and details of the types of care that will be needed whether the patient is discharged to home or another care center. It also includes information on whether the patient’s condition is likely to improve; what activities they may  need help with; information on medications and diet; what extra equipment might be needed, such as a wheelchair, commode, or oxygen; who will handle meal preparation, transportation and chores; and possibly referral to home care services. And/or appropriate support organizations.