Posted on January 7, 2019 - We plan for health care during our senior years. We strategize our retirement finances. We make a plan about where to live, and how to remain socially connected. But there’s one other thing we might have forgotten. A new study shows that having a plan for preventing falls is also very important!
Posted on January 2, 2019 - Have you made your New Year’s resolutions yet? Many of us pledge to take steps to improve our health. This year might be a great one to focus on bone and joint health problems, which are among the most prevalent and debilitating health challenges Americans face. To get you started, check out these ten great resolutions from the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS):
Posted on December 27, 2018 - Some health insurers have dropped the SilverSneakers program, and seniors aren’t happy, reports Kaiser Health News.
Posted on December 20, 2018 - Next time there’s a parks levy in your community, consider all the benefits! Here’s more data showing that spending time in parks and other natural urban environments is good for our health.
Posted on December 18, 2018 - Have you noticed that a lot of people make disparaging remarks about “old people” these days? People who would never in a million years make a racist or sexist comment will nonetheless pass on a negative stereotype about seniors. Recent studies have found that this not only hurts older adults, but also has widespread societal effects. To learn more, read “Five Reasons to Fight Ageism in 2019.”