Posted on April 19, 2018 - People with symptoms of depression have a higher risk for a heart rhythm disorder known as atrial fibrillation, which increases the risk for stroke. Clinicians should be aware that depression may increase atrial fibrillation risk, while patients suffering from depression should be counseled that depression affects cardiac health.
Posted on April 17, 2018 - Many people think they will be able to live comfortably on Social Security after they retire. But checking out their projected benefits might help them think again! The U.S. Social Security Administration offers tools to help plan for our senior years, and manage our account after we start collecting benefits. To learn more, read “April Is Social Security Month.”
Posted on April 12, 2018 - A great metaphor for heart health!
Posted on April 10, 2018 - Artists and poets have long extolled the benefits of nature. But did you know that scientists, too, strongly recommend spending time in the outdoors, among the sights, smells and sounds of the natural world? Seniors, especially, stand to benefit. To learn more, read “Spring Is Here! Time to Get Into Nature!”
Posted on April 5, 2018 - Seniors more enthusiastic about driving than teens